Saturday, December 19, 2009

How to Choose the Right Chiropractor for You!

So, you’ve heard of Chiropractic, and now you are thinking of actually going to see what they actually do. There are many misconceptions flying around about Chiropractic in general, so sometimes it can be hard to find reliable information about the subject. Part of the reason this is so difficult is that each Chiropractor practices the healing art a little bit differently. If you are going to trust a Doctor of Chiropractic with your health, then we strongly recommend that you consider the following things first:
1) What are others saying? This is quite possibly the most important factor in making your decision. Many of the other factors we include don’t really mean much if everyone that goes to this doctor is having a horrible experience. Many Chiropractors have testimonials on their website about their services, but these should all be taken worth a grain of salt. Do you really think he/she would include a negative comment on their website? This is why we are providing our Chiropractic Directory . Our goal is not to post negative information about individual practitioners, but to facilitate unbiased feedback about each Chiropractor. Our directory allows patients to come and rate their experience with a Chiropractor. We strongly recommend you research Chiropractors in your city before visiting their office, and when you do, tell them you read good things about them on ChiroHub.
2) Specialty - There are many certifications and Diplomate programs available to Chiropractors. These often appear as additional initials after the doctor’s name. For example, John Doe, DC DACBR would have a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree, as well as a Diplomate of the American Board of Radiology. This helps you determine if the doctor specializes in any particular kind of care, diagnosis, or technique. If you don’t see additional initials, that doesn’t mean that doctor doesn’t have additional training or specialties. In fact, almost all states require that licensed Chiropractors in their state attain a certain number of continuing education credits each year. Most people don’t realize that Chiropractors can specialize in many things – sports medicine, motor vehicle injuries, neurology, radiology (interpreting x-rays), nutrition, pediatrics, and much more. The best way to find out if a chiropractor specializes in anything in particular is to pick up the phone and call his/her office. You can also visit this page for a current list of Chiropractic Diplomate Programs.
3) Location, Location, Location - Hopefully the Chiropractor already made this an easy decision for you by being located in a convenient area, but this is definitely an important consideration. If you benefit from your visit to the Chiropractor, you will likely want to return, so consider finding someone that is close by, or is conveniently located along one of your regular routes. You also might want to consider the parking availability or traffic volume of the office you are going to visit. If you are in a larger city, then we also recommend checking public transportation routes.
4) Facilities - There are many things to consider about the facilities of a Chiropractor’s office, but this should probably be low on your list of priorities, since the profession is one of manual medicine. This means that the most important tool in the office is typically the hands of the Chiropractor. Keeping this in mind, some people are also interested in ancillary modalities -electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, cold laser, adjusting instruments, soft tissue tools, etc... As a matter of convenience and comfort, you may also want to consider the following: Do they have an X-ray machine for fast results when an x-ray is needed? Is the place clean and free of allergens? Do they have facilities for rehabilitation of sports or work injuries? These are all good questions to ask before your visit.
5) Opinion - That’s right, opinion matters. Every health practitioner has his/her own opinion about how to handle your health and wellness. Some Chiropractors may only want to discuss the use of chiropractic adjustments, while others will eagerly pursue topics of nutrition, posture, balance, exercise, meditation, and more. Do you want to visit a chiropractor that will refer you out to a medical doctor for surgery or medication, when appropriate, or do you prefer a strictly conservative care approach? We aren’t going to tell you which is best, but we do think that you would be wise to find a Chiropractor that has a similar outlook on overall health and wellness as you and your family. We would also advise you to be open minded as you approach this, since you could easily form new opinions by listening to an experienced chiropractic clinician. They may open up your mind to things you never thought were possible.
ChiroHub would like to wish you luck on your journey towards optimum health. We are confident that your experience with Chiropractic will be positive, and we hope that you will come share your thoughts with other users on ChiroHub once you have taken the time to visit a Chiropractor in your area.

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